MSU Shibboleth - MSU changes

After installation, the Service Provider (SP) will need to be configured to use the MSU Identity Provider. The simplest way is to use the sample shibboleth2.xml. It contains several spots, marked with 'changeme', that you will need to change to appropriate values for your service.

Alternatively, changes can be made to the distributed shibboleth2.xml. The changes required for MSU are listed below.

Service Hostname

The service hostname is the hostname where the user directs their web browser. If the SP is behind a load balancer, the service hostname is the hostname bound to the load balancer, for example Otherwise, the service hostname is the hostname of the machine, for example


Enable the Listener that is appropriate for your OS. Be sure to only enable one Listener.

If the server is UNIX based, enable the UnixListener and disable the TCPListener.

    <!-- Only one listener can be defined, to connect in-process modules to shibd. -->
    <UnixListener address="shibd.sock"/>
    <!-- <TCPListener address="" port="1600" acl=""/> -->

If a Windows based server, enable TCPListener and disable UnixListener.

    <!-- Only one listener can be defined, to connect in-process modules to shibd. -->
    <!-- <UnixListener address="shibd.sock"/> -->
    <TCPListener address="" port="1600" acl=""/>


The entityID is based on the service hostname, for example or See EntityNaming and Entity IDs for more information or email with your questions.

Legacy SP have URN based entityID, for example, which can still be used. New installations are encouraged to use the URL form.

handlerSSL and cookieProps

If using SSL, then set handlerSSL="true" and include the cookieProps line, below. If not using SSL, then set handlerSSL="false" and remove the cookieProps line.

    <Sessions lifetime="28800" timeout="3600" checkAddress="false"
        handlerURL="/Shibboleth.sso" handlerSSL="true"
        cookieProps="; path=/; secure; HttpOnly"
        exportLocation="http://localhost/Shibboleth.sso/GetAssertion" exportACL=""
        idpHistory="false" idpHistoryDays="7">


Change the entityID of the "/Login" SessionInitiator to the MSU Identity Provider.

    <SessionInitiator type="Chaining" Location="/Login" isDefault="true" id="Intranet"
            relayState="cookie" entityID="">
        <SessionInitiator type="SAML2" acsIndex="1" template="bindingTemplate.html"/>
        <SessionInitiator type="Shib1" acsIndex="5"/>


Be sure to set supportContact to your end-user support email address.


In the "Chaining" MetadataProvider, add the MSU metadata source

    <MetadataProvider type="XML"
        backingFilePath="MSU-metadata-idp.xml" reloadInterval="7200">